How can I contact Skinny Shrooms™?

You can email us at info@skinnyshroom.com where our customer service team will be able to help you with whatever you need!

Is Skinny Shrooms™ created at a safe facility?

Yes. Skinny Shrooms is made at an FDA approved facility, lab verified, made in the USA, GMP-certified and clear of any heavy metals or pesticides.

I have changed my mind about my purchase but it hasn't arrived yet, what do I do?

Due to the high volume of orders processed daily by our fulfillment team, we are currently unable to edit order details once your purchase has been submitted.

How long does my order take to process?

We request 48 business hours (or two business days) to process orders. Once the order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation number within this time frame. If you placed and order and did not receive a confirmation number, be sure to contact us at info@skinnyshroom.com.

How long will my order take to ship?

Typically you can expect 3-7 business days for standard domestic/USA shipments once the order is processed.

What is your refund & money back guarantee policy?

Click here to view full policy.